import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scipy import stats
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
Order ID | Order Date | Order Priority | Order Quantity | Sales | Discount | Ship Mode | Profit | Unit Price | Shipping Cost | Customer Name | Customer State | Zip Code | Region | Customer Segment | Product Category | Product Sub-Category | Product Name | Product Container | Product Base Margin | Ship Date | |
0 | 3 | 2010-08-26 | Low | 6 | 261.54 | 0.04 | Regular Air | -213.25 | 38.94 | 35.00 | Muhammed MacIntyre | New Jersey | 7514 | East | Small Business | Office Supplies | Storage & Organization | Eldon Base for stackable storage shelf, platinum | Large Box | 0.80 | 2010-09-02 |
1 | 6 | 2012-01-03 | Not Specified | 2 | 6.93 | 0.01 | Regular Air | -4.64 | 2.08 | 2.56 | Ruben Dartt | New York | 10457 | East | Corporate | Office Supplies | Scissors, Rulers and Trimmers | Kleencut® Forged Office Shears by Acme United ... | Small Pack | 0.55 | 2012-01-04 |
# check column names, number of observations, data type
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 8399 entries, 0 to 8398 Data columns (total 21 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Order ID 8399 non-null int64 1 Order Date 8399 non-null datetime64[ns] 2 Order Priority 8399 non-null object 3 Order Quantity 8399 non-null int64 4 Sales 8399 non-null float64 5 Discount 8399 non-null float64 6 Ship Mode 8399 non-null object 7 Profit 8399 non-null float64 8 Unit Price 8399 non-null float64 9 Shipping Cost 8399 non-null float64 10 Customer Name 8399 non-null object 11 Customer State 8399 non-null object 12 Zip Code 8399 non-null int64 13 Region 8399 non-null object 14 Customer Segment 8399 non-null object 15 Product Category 8399 non-null object 16 Product Sub-Category 8399 non-null object 17 Product Name 8399 non-null object 18 Product Container 8399 non-null object 19 Product Base Margin 8399 non-null float64 20 Ship Date 8399 non-null datetime64[ns] dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(6), int64(3), object(10) memory usage: 1.3+ MB
df.columns=df.columns.str.replace(' ', '')
orderid | orderdate | orderpriority | orderquantity | sales | discount | shipmode | profit | unitprice | shippingcost | customername | customerstate | zipcode | region | customersegment | productcategory | productsub-category | productname | productcontainer | productbasemargin | shipdate | |
0 | 3 | 2010-08-26 | Low | 6 | 261.54 | 0.04 | Regular Air | -213.25 | 38.94 | 35.00 | Muhammed MacIntyre | New Jersey | 7514 | East | Small Business | Office Supplies | Storage & Organization | Eldon Base for stackable storage shelf, platinum | Large Box | 0.80 | 2010-09-02 |
1 | 6 | 2012-01-03 | Not Specified | 2 | 6.93 | 0.01 | Regular Air | -4.64 | 2.08 | 2.56 | Ruben Dartt | New York | 10457 | East | Corporate | Office Supplies | Scissors, Rulers and Trimmers | Kleencut® Forged Office Shears by Acme United ... | Small Pack | 0.55 | 2012-01-04 |
Index(['orderid', 'orderdate', 'orderpriority', 'orderquantity', 'sales', 'discount', 'shipmode', 'profit', 'unitprice', 'shippingcost', 'customername', 'customerstate', 'zipcode', 'region', 'customersegment', 'productcategory', 'productsub-category', 'productname', 'productcontainer', 'productbasemargin', 'shipdate'], dtype='object')
# check missing values
orderid 0 orderdate 0 orderpriority 0 orderquantity 0 sales 0 discount 0 shipmode 0 profit 0 unitprice 0 shippingcost 0 customername 0 customerstate 0 zipcode 0 region 0 customersegment 0 productcategory 0 productsub-category 0 productname 0 productcontainer 0 productbasemargin 0 shipdate 0 dtype: int64
# summary statistics
orderid | orderquantity | sales | discount | profit | unitprice | shippingcost | zipcode | productbasemargin | |
count | 8399.000000 | 8399.000000 | 8399.000000 | 8399.000000 | 8399.000000 | 8399.000000 | 8399.000000 | 8399.000000 | 8399.000000 |
mean | 29965.179783 | 25.575426 | 1774.860490 | 0.049664 | 181.401194 | 89.310426 | 12.856427 | 48256.097631 | 0.512886 |
std | 17260.883447 | 14.482837 | 3585.107345 | 0.031826 | 1224.670845 | 290.361311 | 17.318257 | 30689.098271 | 0.135991 |
min | 3.000000 | 1.000000 | 2.240000 | 0.000000 | -16253.680000 | 0.990000 | 0.490000 | 501.000000 | 0.350000 |
25% | 15011.500000 | 13.000000 | 143.035000 | 0.020000 | -82.764250 | 6.480000 | 3.300000 | 21794.000000 | 0.380000 |
50% | 29857.000000 | 26.000000 | 449.420000 | 0.050000 | -1.490000 | 20.990000 | 6.070000 | 43317.000000 | 0.520000 |
75% | 44596.000000 | 38.000000 | 1706.285000 | 0.080000 | 166.712250 | 85.990000 | 13.990000 | 81221.000000 | 0.590000 |
max | 59973.000000 | 50.000000 | 89061.050000 | 0.250000 | 27220.690000 | 6783.020000 | 164.730000 | 99403.000000 | 0.850000 |
# index is like primary key in database (unique number assigned to each observation)
# check index column
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=8399, step=1)
# then set datetime [date] column as index (primary key). This is for time series analysis below.
# orderdate
orderid | orderpriority | orderquantity | sales | discount | shipmode | profit | unitprice | shippingcost | customername | customerstate | zipcode | region | customersegment | productcategory | productsub-category | productname | productcontainer | productbasemargin | shipdate | |
orderdate | ||||||||||||||||||||
2010-08-26 | 3 | Low | 6 | 261.54 | 0.04 | Regular Air | -213.25 | 38.94 | 35.00 | Muhammed MacIntyre | New Jersey | 7514 | East | Small Business | Office Supplies | Storage & Organization | Eldon Base for stackable storage shelf, platinum | Large Box | 0.80 | 2010-09-02 |
2012-01-03 | 6 | Not Specified | 2 | 6.93 | 0.01 | Regular Air | -4.64 | 2.08 | 2.56 | Ruben Dartt | New York | 10457 | East | Corporate | Office Supplies | Scissors, Rulers and Trimmers | Kleencut® Forged Office Shears by Acme United ... | Small Pack | 0.55 | 2012-01-04 |
orderdate 2008-11-30 141 2008-12-31 182 2009-01-31 153 2009-02-28 186 2009-03-31 177 Freq: M, dtype: int64
orderid | orderquantity | sales | discount | profit | unitprice | shippingcost | zipcode | productbasemargin | |
orderdate | |||||||||
2008-11-30 | 3861057 | 3352 | 303089.5465 | 6.76 | 23256.1785 | 19202.58 | 1946.95 | 7224279 | 73.16 |
2008-12-31 | 5915189 | 4814 | 427854.4250 | 9.11 | 45477.2050 | 20256.07 | 2848.97 | 9539552 | 92.05 |
2009-01-31 | 4709069 | 3581 | 295281.2650 | 7.53 | -6656.1085 | 23614.82 | 2531.44 | 6451957 | 81.04 |
2009-02-28 | 5500425 | 4705 | 448367.6080 | 9.37 | 63989.8160 | 28162.80 | 2296.74 | 8956195 | 94.45 |
2009-03-31 | 5152652 | 4738 | 297821.1905 | 9.20 | 25337.5000 | 11748.30 | 2212.40 | 9839537 | 90.88 |
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2a6509c6f10>]
#which month with the highest sales? October is that month (make this a mark down)
orderdate October 753 July 738 August 731 April 723 March 715 June 709 December 703 November 699 January 676 February 658 September 650 May 644 Name: sales, dtype: int64
#Which month has the highest profit?
orderdate August 167858.6745 November 155983.4200 September 147600.0670 October 137874.7760 February 125970.5260 May 124034.5890 April 121924.6240 March 117642.5065 December 113894.4390 July 108811.6365 January 104597.5425 June 97395.8285 Name: profit, dtype: float64
orderdate October 10321.00 November 10005.58 July 9669.23 December 9606.14 June 9344.89 January 8848.27 March 8776.34 September 8528.43 August 8517.75 April 8400.05 February 8288.41 May 7675.04 Name: shippingcost, dtype: float64
productcategory Technology 5987571.402 Furniture 5119254.482 Office Supplies 3800227.370 Name: sales, dtype: float64
productcategory Technology 855437.2250 Office Supplies 515776.6045 Name: profit, dtype: float64
region South 505678.7515 West 422868.1505 East 297802.5185 Central 297239.2090 Name: profit, dtype: float64
df.pivot_table(index="region", columns="productcategory", values="profit", \
aggfunc='sum', fill_value=0, margins=True)
productcategory | Furniture | Office Supplies | Technology | All |
region | ||||
Central | 44509.69 | 121977.2900 | 130752.229 | 2.972392e+05 |
East | -12721.46 | 107470.5935 | 203053.385 | 2.978025e+05 |
South | 62901.90 | 140659.2615 | 302117.590 | 5.056788e+05 |
West | 57684.67 | 145669.4595 | 219514.021 | 4.228682e+05 |
All | 152374.80 | 515776.6045 | 855437.225 | 1.523589e+06 |
df.pivot_table(index="region", columns="productcategory", values="profit", \
aggfunc='sum', fill_value=0, margins=True).plot(kind='bar')
eaststates = df.loc[df['region'] == 'East']
orderid | orderpriority | orderquantity | sales | discount | shipmode | profit | unitprice | shippingcost | customername | customerstate | zipcode | region | customersegment | productcategory | productsub-category | productname | productcontainer | productbasemargin | shipdate | |
orderdate | ||||||||||||||||||||
2010-08-26 | 3 | Low | 6 | 261.54 | 0.04 | Regular Air | -213.25 | 38.94 | 35.00 | Muhammed MacIntyre | New Jersey | 7514 | East | Small Business | Office Supplies | Storage & Organization | Eldon Base for stackable storage shelf, platinum | Large Box | 0.80 | 2010-09-02 |
2012-01-03 | 6 | Not Specified | 2 | 6.93 | 0.01 | Regular Air | -4.64 | 2.08 | 2.56 | Ruben Dartt | New York | 10457 | East | Corporate | Office Supplies | Scissors, Rulers and Trimmers | Kleencut® Forged Office Shears by Acme United ... | Small Pack | 0.55 | 2012-01-04 |
eaststates.pivot_table(index="customerstate", columns="productcategory", values="profit", \
aggfunc='sum', fill_value=0, margins=True)
productcategory | Furniture | Office Supplies | Technology | All |
customerstate | ||||
Connecticut | -12852.13 | 20425.2045 | 36178.566 | 43751.6405 |
Delaware | 938.99 | 5662.7815 | 29740.743 | 36342.5145 |
Mass | -5651.18 | 41313.6870 | 33954.677 | 69617.1840 |
New Jersey | -18171.95 | 14495.9140 | 39667.960 | 35991.9240 |
New York | 23014.81 | 25573.0065 | 63511.439 | 112099.2555 |
All | -12721.46 | 107470.5935 | 203053.385 | 297802.5185 |
eaststates.pivot_table(index="customerstate", columns="productcategory", values="profit", \
aggfunc='sum', fill_value=0, margins=True).plot(kind='bar')
nebraska = df.loc[df['customerstate'] == 'Nebraska']
orderdate 2009-12-31 18355.1030 2012-12-31 15597.6875 2011-12-31 12363.0425 2010-12-31 12314.2330 2008-12-31 -363.9200 Name: profit, dtype: float64
productsub-category Chairs & Chairmats 20138.890 Copiers and Fax 17546.489 Binders and Binder Accessories 8787.901 Telephones and Communication 7394.336 Appliances 5684.610 Office Furnishings 4007.010 Paper 3140.810 Envelopes 753.590 Pens & Art Supplies 707.730 Labels 422.790 Computer Peripherals 57.860 Rubber Bands 16.850 Scissors, Rulers and Trimmers -266.860 Storage & Organization -631.050 Bookcases -1086.110 Office Machines -3146.690 Tables -5262.010 Name: profit, dtype: float64
nebraska = df.loc[df['customerstate'] == 'Nebraska']
zipcode 68770 19498.4820 68717 12265.1240 69367 10809.8590 68001 7771.4990 68155 7049.8825 69141 1302.5270 69358 185.5075 68016 -616.7350 Name: profit, dtype: float64
furn = df.loc[df['productcategory'] == 'Furniture']
productsub-category Chairs & Chairmats 149938.23 Office Furnishings 96878.40 Bookcases -33170.68 Tables -61271.15 Name: profit, dtype: float64
furnoff = df.loc[df['productcategory'] == 'Office Supplies']
productsub-category Binders and Binder Accessories 307174.1845 Appliances 98023.0800 Envelopes 48711.0800 Paper 45987.2000 Labels 13689.1500 Pens & Art Supplies 7551.8100 Storage & Organization 2516.9400 Rubber Bands -77.5900 Scissors, Rulers and Trimmers -7799.2500 Name: profit, dtype: float64
productsub-category Storage & Organization 1099774.36 Binders and Binder Accessories 1024521.85 Appliances 747333.01 Paper 449496.47 Envelopes 176298.06 Pens & Art Supplies 167525.03 Scissors, Rulers and Trimmers 80996.31 Labels 39042.35 Rubber Bands 15239.93 Name: sales, dtype: float64
tech = df.loc[df['productcategory'] == 'Technology']
productsub-category Telephones and Communication 316951.641 Office Machines 276590.340 Copiers and Fax 167361.464 Computer Peripherals 94533.780 Name: profit, dtype: float64
orderdate 2011-12-31 419755.3845 2009-12-31 406718.5260 2010-12-31 337239.4165 2012-12-31 291141.9190 2008-12-31 68733.3835 Name: profit, dtype: float64
orderdate 2011-12-31 419755.3845 2009-12-31 406718.5260 2010-12-31 337239.4165 2012-12-31 291141.9190 Name: profit, dtype: float64
orderid | orderpriority | orderquantity | sales | discount | shipmode | profit | unitprice | shippingcost | customername | customerstate | zipcode | region | customersegment | productcategory | productsub-category | productname | productcontainer | productbasemargin | shipdate | |
orderdate | ||||||||||||||||||||
2009-04-16 | 69 | Not Specified | 42 | 1186.0600 | 0.09 | Regular Air | 511.690 | 30.93 | 3.92 | Jonathan Doherty | Ohio | 43567 | Central | Corporate | Furniture | Office Furnishings | Advantus Employee of the Month Certificate Fra... | Small Pack | 0.44 | 2009-04-18 |
2009-04-16 | 69 | Not Specified | 28 | 51.5300 | 0.03 | Express Air | 0.350 | 1.68 | 0.70 | Jonathan Doherty | Ohio | 43567 | Central | Corporate | Office Supplies | Pens & Art Supplies | Newell 308 | Wrap Bag | 0.60 | 2009-04-18 |
2009-02-27 | 96 | High | 37 | 4158.1235 | 0.01 | Regular Air | 1228.887 | 125.99 | 8.99 | Keith Dawkins | Texas | 73301 | Central | Home Office | Technology | Telephones and Communication | SC7868i | Small Box | 0.55 | 2009-03-01 |
2009-12-11 | 97 | Medium | 26 | 75.5700 | 0.03 | Regular Air | 28.240 | 2.89 | 0.50 | Craig Yedwab | Arizona | 85354 | West | Consumer | Office Supplies | Labels | Avery 498 | Small Box | 0.38 | 2009-12-12 |
2009-04-30 | 224 | Not Specified | 25 | 184.8600 | 0.09 | Regular Air | -33.950 | 7.38 | 5.21 | Bart Folk | Connecticut | 6439 | East | Corporate | Furniture | Office Furnishings | Eldon® Expressions™ Wood Desk Accessories, Oak | Small Box | 0.56 | 2009-05-01 |
region South 160088.0775 West 121861.4615 Central 78111.7495 East 46657.2375 Name: profit, dtype: float64
zipcode 10501 -16557.0850 35077 -11928.9000 93456 -11522.6075 8989 -7748.9515 49877 -7703.7515 Name: profit, dtype: float64
productcategory Furniture 71904.900 Office Supplies 167174.061 Technology 167639.565 Name: profit, dtype: float64
productsub-category Binders and Binder Accessories 109436.821 Telephones and Communication 81614.967 Chairs & Chairmats 54335.650 Copiers and Fax 49296.048 Office Furnishings 25795.640 Computer Peripherals 18595.350 Appliances 18495.330 Office Machines 18133.200 Paper 16214.710 Storage & Organization 14197.810 Envelopes 7046.170 Labels 2936.880 Bookcases 2394.950 Pens & Art Supplies 1746.230 Rubber Bands 27.820 Scissors, Rulers and Trimmers -2927.710 Tables -10621.340 Name: profit, dtype: float64
productsub-category Office Machines 595848.910 Chairs & Chairmats 492855.750 Telephones and Communication 467231.791 Tables 443875.096 Binders and Binder Accessories 327280.380 Storage & Organization 318305.210 Copiers and Fax 317123.330 Bookcases 226657.260 Computer Peripherals 203511.070 Office Furnishings 177617.260 Appliances 157640.070 Paper 120688.030 Pens & Art Supplies 39460.140 Envelopes 31183.570 Scissors, Rulers and Trimmers 17067.110 Labels 8970.850 Rubber Bands 2554.310 Name: sales, dtype: float64
productname Okidata Pacemark 4410N Wide Format Dot Matrix Printer -26610.81 Name: profit, dtype: float64
productname *Staples* Packaging Labels 6.13 Name: sales, dtype: float64
d2009jan = df.loc['1/1/2009':'1/31/2009']
region West 3374.3950 Central 2516.9330 South -463.1045 East -12084.3320 Name: profit, dtype: float64
region South 110149.4795 East 92038.6130 West 56051.6735 Central 37041.4990 Name: sales, dtype: float64
zipcode 10501 -16253.680 35077 -11769.170 21230 -2073.898 5544 -2041.280 23111 -1271.710 Name: profit, dtype: float64
zipcode 21290 29.23 21022 31.36 80746 82.21 14925 93.73 83810 118.51 Name: sales, dtype: float64
productcategory Technology -10547.7010 Office Supplies -1516.0075 Furniture 5407.6000 Name: profit, dtype: float64
productcategory Office Supplies 56731.790 Furniture 119225.416 Technology 119324.059 Name: sales, dtype: float64
productsub-category Copiers and Fax -8496.27 Office Machines -2435.86 Storage & Organization -2093.51 Tables -2010.32 Scissors, Rulers and Trimmers -1767.60 Bookcases -1196.03 Pens & Art Supplies -3.21 Name: profit, dtype: float64
productsub-category Labels 444.57 Envelopes 1247.72 Pens & Art Supplies 2446.02 Binders and Binder Accessories 5200.74 Paper 5561.16 Scissors, Rulers and Trimmers 9631.78 Office Furnishings 13760.32 Name: sales, dtype: float64
productname Polycom ViewStation™ ISDN Videoconferencing Unit -16253.68 Name: profit, dtype: float64
productname Newell 343 3.77 Name: sales, dtype: float64
# Q1 which state in the west is most profitable in product category?
weststates = df.loc[df['region'] == 'West']
weststates.pivot_table(index="customerstate", columns="productcategory", values="profit", \
aggfunc='sum', fill_value=0, margins=True)
productcategory | Furniture | Office Supplies | Technology | All |
customerstate | ||||
Arizona | 3611.15 | 7282.9630 | 49567.281 | 60461.3940 |
California | 13792.46 | 29394.0675 | 21987.698 | 65174.2255 |
Colorado | 5253.71 | 21477.1575 | 46844.225 | 73575.0925 |
Idaho | 10535.04 | 34028.3840 | 34866.825 | 79430.2490 |
New Mexico | 6139.93 | 9170.8750 | 20075.526 | 35386.3310 |
Utah | 3054.18 | 29536.3950 | 34355.836 | 66946.4110 |
Washington | 15298.20 | 14779.6175 | 11816.630 | 41894.4475 |
All | 57684.67 | 145669.4595 | 219514.021 | 422868.1505 |
# Q2 what is the most profitable year in Idaho?
idaho = df.loc[df['customerstate'] == 'Idaho']
orderdate 2011-12-31 35479.0070 2008-12-31 15273.7520 2009-12-31 11837.8540 2010-12-31 11579.3785 2012-12-31 5260.2575 Name: profit, dtype: float64
# Q3 What are the top 2 least profitable(or have losses) product names in Idaho?
productname Polycom ViewStation™ ISDN Videoconferencing Unit -11797.31 Canon PC1060 Personal Laser Copier -2297.48 Name: profit, dtype: float64